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Caring for your new kitten . . .

On the whole Ragdolls are a fairly easy breed to maintain and look after. They do not have a lot of problems and are easy to care for. Remember Ragdolls are predominately an inside cat and do not mix well with the outside dangers of unforgiving motor vehicles or other stray animals. They are renowned for being a lazy cat.

What you will need to purchase

Cat litter. There is a wide variety Litter tray & of cat litters on the market these days, some better than others. It is best to avoid clumping cat litter with kittens. 
• Scratching post, cats have a need to scratch & enjoy scratching. Providing your cat with it's own scratching post will reduce the chances of your cat using your furniture or carpet. 
• Food/water bowls: You can buy cheap plastic ones, metal ones or pottery ones.
• Cat carrier for those trips to the vet. 
• Toys
• Cat bed
• Cat food: A premium quality brand is the best.


Whilst they are a kitten remember to keep up the kitten food of dry biscuits, milk and either raw pet chicken mince or wet kitten food (meat), this is to continue to meet the need of the calcium and other nutrients that the require whist growing.


Kittens love to play and make a personal type relationships with all family members. Like all relationships, you get back what you put in! Enjoy your cat and may they find a warm humans bed to sleep in/on!

Kittens love toys, and they love a bit variety. Cats can get bored with the same toys, so try to alternate which toys are available to them. Try buying toys that will stimulate their senses too. 

Worming and Immunisations

Your kitten has been given her first basic immunization at 8weeks from the Sandford Vet Clinic. You should always worm your cat there are many products and I recommend that you obtain advice on what is best to use and other immunizations available from your local Vet.

Micro Chipping
It is now mandatory to micro chip your kitten under Australian Law. Visit your local vet for further information on the procedure and costs.


They generally love to be groomed and their coat is easy to care for. They will shed their coats through out the year.

Dental Care

It is a good idea to feed your cat raw chicken necks or wing tips to help maintain healthy teeth.


It is a good idea to do this if you are not interested in going to breeding. Please note that early de-sexing of Ragdolls can be risky if your vet is not used to this practice. Some breeders have found that some Raggies forget to wake up after surgery so always make sure your vet understands this when doing surgery on a Raggie at any age.

Kitten proofing your home

I recommend that a very good site for keeping your kitten safe is This will inform you on poisons plants, bring up kittens and children, dangers in and around the home for adventurous kittens. I have found the poison section very useful as some are as common as coffee and chocolate.

I have obtained the above information from - ragdoll seminar,

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Mulberry Mews

Breeders of Ragdoll Cats


P O Box 349

Geraldton WA 6530

08 99642769

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